Why historic parks and gardens?

Historical park and historical garden

Eden, Arcadia, paradise garden or love garden, isle of blessedness - the people of all cultures were always longing for (lost) paradise. And just gardens were symbol of the divine salvation on our world and at the same time the symbol of earth-born happiness.

Creation of parks and gardens in various forms and appearances with various names is the basic human need and it is known for centuries and is relevant also in today in our dehumanization world.

Parks and gardens which were created in the past as unique common art pieces of man and nature today represent cultural richness of our country and are important parts of our cultural heritage – most commonly we call them historical parks and gardens.  

Today in Slovakia there  is about 400 objects (areas) of historical greenery. These are mainly historical parks and gardens.  Another kind of  cultural or “composed” greenery which you can find in Slovakia are arboretums, city parks, forest parks or spa parks. These kinds of historical greenery are usually younger and their origin and function are usually conditional by demand of science and education, recreational demands of city dwellers or spa visitors. To the range of valuable greenery also belong cemeteries and important phenomenon which help to create the landscape are Calvaries.    Sporadically  in Slovakia there are also object of historical greenery which have more specialised functions or uses – for example pheasantry, chestnut parks or game parks.

These days the majority of parks and garden in Slovakia is situated in the town or villages residential areas due to the expansions of the urban areas to surrounding landscapes. In the past many historical parks and gardens were built up or parceled or the marginal areas were taken away. 

The majority of historical parks and gardens you can find in the area of Western Slovakia in the Nitra region.  

Historical parks and gardens are irreplaceable phenomenon of cultural landscape. They become the important part of landscape feature their spiritual value which represents a huge heritage enhanced for centuries by civilizations and this is why it is necessary to protect and look up to them.